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Publications Zürcher Hochschule der Künste: Quantum of Disorder

Quantum of Disorder

Quantum of Disorder - with this title as a starting point, scientists and artists provide insights into their world. Here, the issues revolve around the interplay between order and disorder, between system and deviation. Resulting from collaboration between the artists-in-labs program at the Zurich university of the Arts and Museum Haus Konstruktiv in Zurich, this book is intended as an experimental framework, within which, findings from artistic and scientific processes meet. In their essays, the authors address topics such as humans and machines, the freedoms of art, and the laws of the Universe. Artists who work with digital media and technical procedures comment on organically dancing mechanisms, sound-emitting membranes, swinging magnets and morphing computer images in extensive interviews. Views of the group exhibition Quantum of Disorder show works that combine technical precision with sensuousness.

Irène Hediger, Sabine Schaschl (eds.)
Christoph Merian Verlag
24 x 33 cm
70 pages
23 illustrations
German / English
Article no. 790873
CHF 39.00

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