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Publications Museum für Gestaltung Zürich: Comix!


Poster Collection 16

Connections between the graphic language of comics and that of the poster can be identified in terms of both form and content. Even though the sequential pictorial narrative of the comic strip is condensed into an individual image appropriate to the poster's frame, the narrative approach remains comparable: humor, and a vivid overdrawing in a constant mixture of reality and fiction are typical features. The appropriation of specific design elements characteristic of comics for use as pictorial codes is starting to be taken for granted in contemporary posters. Besides of historical examples the books includes works by contemporary graphic designers such as Exem, Anke Feuchtenberger, Flag, Happypets Products, M/M, Alex Trüb, Martin Woodtli, Cornel Windlin.

With texts by Pascal Lefèvre and Bettina Richter.

Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / Bettina Richter (eds.)
Lars Müller Publishers
Design: Integral Lars Müller
16,5 × 24 cm
96 pages
100 illustrations
German / English
Article no. 780016
CHF 34.00

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